How To Integrate A School

How To Integrate A School
Integrated education and how to make it happen in your community.


7:00PM – 8:15PM

Canada Room, Lanyon Building, QUB, University Road


Join us for this panel discussion on integrating Northern Ireland’s segregated school system, followed by an audience workshop.

We don’t need to wait for politicians to break down barriers – we can do it ourselves. Two-thirds of people here want Integrated Education to be the main education model for our children, where both sides of our community learn together. Yet only 8% of children and young people attend Integrated Schools – demand is massive and many Integrated Schools are massively over-subscribed.

In the absence of government planning for Integrated schools, parents and communities continue to drive the development of Integrated Education. As part of the ‘Integrate My School’ campaign, parents can set up votes to transform their schools to integrated status. Over the last few years, the campaign has surged, with 21 successful ballots in the last 4 years, the majority of which had over 90% of parents in favour.

Come and meet the inspiring parents, campaigners and educators who have made this happen. Learn more about what Integrated Education is and join with others who want to bring it to their community.

Panel members:

  • Declan Harvey (broadcaster and journalist), hosting the event
  • Ashley Moran (a teacher from a school that has transformed into an integrated school)
  • Adam McGibbon (past student of an integrated school and activist)
  • Jessica Blomkvist (Integrate My School campaign)
  • A parent who is leading a campaign to integrate his children’s school

A short audience Q&A and audience discussion about next steps will follow the panel.


We’ll be in touch.