John MacNeice and The Lundy Leash

A history talk and poetry reading around the life and times of Louis MacNeice’s father, a Protestant clergyman who didn’t sign the Ulster Covenant.


2:00PM – 3:30PM


“My father made the walls resound | He wore his collar the wrong way round,” wrote Louis MacNeice. His father, the Anglican JF MacNeice, though born on Omey Island, Co. Galway, was rector of St. Nicholas Church in Carrickfergus and later Bishop of Down and Connor.

Due to his being one of the few Protestant clergymen not to sign the Ulster Covenant, and a general antagonism with Edward Carson, he has been labelled as a nationalist and a Home Ruler.

In reality, as a Christian he knew there was only one Covenant. JF MacNeice could not be more relevant today as unionism has lost its majority in Northern Ireland and there seems to be a growing demographic of people who are P but not necessarily U or L.

Louis MacNeice Society is a non-profit organisation that was founded in July 2023 which brings authors, scholars, writers and fans of MacNeice together. Our goal is to develop a community that values reading, creativity, and critical thinking. We think that literature has the power to take us to new places, alter our viewpoints, and motivate us to better understand ourselves and the world around us. As a society, we plan frequent gatherings, seminars, and activities that allow our members the chance to read publications, present their own writing, and get criticism from their peers. In order to provide our members with insights and experiences from the literary world, we frequently extend invitations to guest lecturers.

At the heart of our literary society lies a profound mission: to resuscitate the forgotten legacy of Louis MacNeice, a poet whose poignant verses once resonated deeply, but have somewhat faded from public consciousness. We gather like-minded individuals who believe that the intricacy of his words deserve to be reintroduced to a new generation. By organising readings, workshops, and discussions, we aim to ignite a fresh appreciation for his poetic artistry, exploring themes of displacement, longing, and the search for meaning in a rapidly evolving world. Our society serves as a platform for not only MacNeice’s resurgence, but also for countless other marginalised and underappreciated voices.


Imagine! Belfast

We’ll be in touch.