What Kind of World is Possible?

A screening of the documentary ‘Finding the Money’ followed by a facilitated conversation with economist Tony Weekes.


6:00PM – 9:00PM


When I have new evidence, I change my mind. What do you do?’ (credited to the economist J M Keynes)

In this film US economists explain how money is created and frame a different way of looking at the money tool, a way which offers hope. Knowing how governments and banks can create money doesn’t solve all our problems but it does open up the possibility of organising differently. Instead of being limited by not having enough money, the challenge is – how do we organise our collective human and natural resources in democratic ways to allow humanity and the rest of the living world to thrive within planetary boundaries?

Following the screening of the film Finding the Money, there will be a facilitated conversation with retired academic economist Tony Weekes.


Collaboration for Change (CfC) formed in Derry 2018 to make visible and support the groundwork activism already happening under the radar of mainstream media and politicians – activism which was addressing and coming up with solutions for the civil rights issues of the 21st Century.

Building on the work of the local Positive Money group which had been meeting in Belfast since 2010 and the Maynooth Communiversity Programme, CfC started hosting Demystifying and Reimagining Economics (DaRE) sessions, first in Derry and Belfast, online during 2020 and 2021 and most recently in South Down linking up with local environmental groups Rostrevor Action respecting the Environment and Dolmens Climate Action Network.

Policy making relating to economics and money can seem daunting. In these conversations information is shared by retired academic economist Tony Weekes and participants are encouraged to use their own experiences and insights to broaden understanding about the current economic and money systems. The group also asks questions about whether policy makers are best using these tools (which were after all created by humans) to tackle the biggest challenges of the 21st Century – from the climate crisis and its consequences to inequality and war. Are we stuck in one way of doing things? Could we create different ways of doing things? Would it make a difference if we looked at things in different ways?

DaRE recently launched the graphic book Who is Afraid of Degrowth? by Céline Keller which poses questions about the growth mantra of most governments and opens up the possibility of creating a caring world where everyone has enough and humans look after the resources of our world. This book and others are available for sharing and, if there is an interest, DaRE will host a reading/learning group.

In November 2024 DaRE screened the documentary Finding the Money in Newcastle Community Cinema, the first screening in Ireland and the second in the UK after London.



Imagine! Belfast

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